

activities > product labelling > ecolabelling


创建: 2019-09-04T12:02:37



  • A voluntary method of certification of environmental quality (of a product) and/or environmental performance of a process based on lifecycle considerations and agreed sets of criteria and standards.

    创建: 5/15/24

  • Eko-etiket sistemi, sürdürülebilir çevre hedefleri doğrultusunda, yaşam döngüsü boyunca çevresel etkileri azaltılmış ürün veya hizmetleri teşvik etmek, tüketicilere doğru ve bilimsel temeli olan bilgi akışını sağlamak için gönüllülük esaslı çevre etiketi sistemi oluşturmak amacıyla geliştirilmiş bir sertifikasyon sistemidir. (tr)
  • Méthode volontaire de certification de la qualité écologique d’un produit et/ou des performances environnementales d’un processus, reposant sur un examen du cycle de production complet et sur des ensembles de critères convenus.

    创建: 5/15/24

  • Un método voluntario de certificación de la calidad del medio ambiente (de un producto) o del rendimiento ambiental de un proceso basado en consideraciones sobre el ciclo biológico y en conjuntos convenidos de criterios y normas.

    创建: 5/15/24

  • أسلوب طوعي لإصدار شهادات الجودة البيئية (لمنتج ما) و/أو الأداء البيئي لعملية ما على أساس اعتبارات متصلة بدورة الحياة ومجموعات من المعايير والمواصفات المتفق عليها.

    创建: 5/15/24

  • 一种自愿性(产品)环境质量认证和/或(流程)环境绩效认证方法,认证过程需考虑整个生命周期及各方同意的整套标准及规范。

    创建: 5/15/24




  • Ecolabelling is generally a voluntary system aimed at encouraging sustainable use of resources by giving consumers a clear choice. For fish products, a distinctive logo or statement marks the product as having been harvested in compliance with conservation and sustainability standards (en)





RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD 创建于 2019/9/4, 最后修改 2024/7/29