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fenomene > fenomene biologice > tulburări > intoxicaţii alimentare

Предпочитаемый термин

Создано: 2015-10-28T12:55:44Z

Последнее изменение: 2015-10-29T22:23:55Z

skos:notation: 10963

intoxicaţii alimentare  


  • Information An exposure (or incident) resulting from ingestion of food contaminated with toxic agents including pathogenic microbes or their metabolic products.

    Создано: 2/27/24

  • Information Exposition ou incident résultant de l’ingestion d’aliments contaminés par des agents toxiques incluant les micro-organismes pathogènes et/ou leurs produits métaboliques.

    Создано: 2/27/24

  • Information Hastalık yapıcı bakteri, virüs ya da parazit bulaşmış gıdaların veya zehirli mantar ve mikotoksin gibi doğal ya da kimyasal zehirleri içeren gıdaların tüketilmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan hastalık.

    Источник: http://terim.tuba.gov.tr/

    Создано: 4/25/23


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Создано 03.02.2012, последнее изменение 08.01.2025