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Preferred term

Created: 2006-12-19T00:00:00Z

Notation: 8638



  • Information A group of toxic compounds, produced by Aspergillus flavus, that bind to DNA and prevent replication and transcription. Aflatoxins can cause acute liver damage and cancer. A health hazard in certain stored foods or feed. (en)
  • Information Formülü C7H10O6 olan, yerfıstığı, fındık gibi yağlı tohumlar, tahıl, baharat, kuru meyve gibi çeşitli tarım ürünlerinde Aspergillus flavus ve Aspergillus parasiticus küfleri tarafından üretilen zehirli, mutajen, karsinojen ve teratojen özelliklere sahip karaciğere zararlı mikotoksin grubu. (tr)
  • Information Les aflatoxines sont des substances toxiques produites par certains types de champignons (moisissures) présents naturellement partout dans le monde ; elles peuvent contaminer les cultures alimentaires et constituent une menace grave pour les humains et le bétail.

    Created: 9/15/23

    Last modified: 2/13/25


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