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المصطلح المفضل

تاريخ الإنشاء: 2020-07-13T13:45:31.486+02:00

مسحوق أعشاب بحرية  


  • Erzeugnis, das durch Trocknen und Zerkleinern von Seealgen, insbesondere Braunalgen anfällt. Das Erzeugnis kann zur Verringerung des Jodgehalts gewaschen sein.

    تاريخ الإنشاء: 1/6/23

  • Seaweed meal is dried, milled seaweed, usually based on the brown seaweeds because they are the most readily available in large quantities. They are sold as soil additives and function as both fertilizer and soil conditioner. Also used as raw material for animal feeding stuff and fish feed.


    تاريخ الإنشاء: 7/13/20


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تحميل هذا المفهوم:

RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD تاريخ الإنشاء 13‏/7‏/2020, آخر تعديل 6‏/1‏/2023