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системи > законодавство > міжнародне право

المصطلح المفضل

تاريخ الإنشاء: 2018-04-19T10:33:59Z

آخر تعديل: 2018-04-19T16:17:31Z

міжнародне право  


  • International law is the body of law that regulates the rights and duties of States and other actors recognized by international law (such as international organizations). The main sources of international law are: (1) the customs and practices of States; and (2) international agreements between States (also described as treaties and conventions).

    تاريخ الإنشاء: 6/7/23


مفهوم أوسع

مفاهيم أضيق

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تحميل هذا المفهوم:

RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD تاريخ الإنشاء 3‏/2‏/2012, آخر تعديل 7‏/6‏/2023