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системы > seed systems (en)

المصطلح المفضل



  • The term ‘seed system’ is understood in various ways. It is often understood as referring to the organized, formal mechanisms through which farmers obtain seed and through which seed quality can be guaranteed. These formal seed systems consist of chains of interlinked activities, starting from genetic resource management, breeding research and crop improvement, through seed multiplication, marketing and distribution, to use of the seed by farmers. However, farmers, especially those in developing countries, obtain seed from many sources, including producing their own seed and exchanging seed with neighbours, and these ‘informal’ systems must be taken into account in any consideration of seed systems. (en)

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تحميل هذا المفهوم:

RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD تاريخ الإنشاء 1‏/2‏/2021, آخر تعديل 3‏/7‏/2024